Monday, September 19, 2011

My Rocket has bolted...Didn't know that could happen..

My Rocket has bolted..that is what I was told when I was overseas. I was describing the new developments noticed on my last walk around the garden pre-airport / pre- trip.

This was interesting. I didn’t know Veges could Bolt. Kind of alarming too when you are 10 000 miles away. My sea of rocket was my proudest really worked! We were self sufficient in rocket, unlike that strawberry a day yield or hopeful baby tomatoes still growing...and now what - it had left??

Can you catch it? Why did it Bolt? A whole new set of questions formed in The University of the Garden. At first glance I thought it quite pretty that it was flowering, but then those flowers resembled triffids taking over my beloved plants...and my sage was right. It has bolted. I hack them off and they appear again taking all the love out of my beautiful leaves and taunting me that it is time to plant again...It's gone...

So how do I stop it from Bolting and what else can Bolt...I have just noticed a flower on the Basil...aaaah - this garden is out of control...

The solution?....Don't leave the country and Eat, Eat, Eat!

Looks like my rocket is going to be coming from the Farmers Market for a while...

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